Memorizing Quran .png

Assalamu Alaikom Wa Rahmatu Allahi Wa Barakatuh.

Assaalamo alikom wa rahmato Allah wa barakatu

This is the list for the next Quran Competition which will be held on July 13th 2024"

The Registration (EXTENDED) will be open until July 12th ONLY.

Islamic Center of Pittsburgh

Cat.1 . Age 5 and under :

  Alfatihah الفاتحة

Alasr العصر

Alkafiroon الكافرون

Alikhlas الاخلاص

Cat.2 Age 7 and under

Aladyaat العاديات

Alqariah القارعة

Attakathor التكاثر

Cat.3 , age 10 and under

Allayl الليل

Albalad البلد

Ashshams الشمس

Cat.4 , age 13 and under :

Abasa عبس

Attakweer التكوير

Alinfitar الانفطار

Cat.5 , age 21 and under  : 

Attaghabon التغابن

Almozzamil. المزمل

Almoddathir المدثر

Cat.6 , all ages :

   Alhajj الحج

CONVERTS , any age :

Alfatiha  الفاتحة ,plus any surah ...   

READING ONLY .  Any age: 

Albaqara البقرة.

Non specific ,  Any age:

any three NEW surahs that were not participated with before.

Please note, the participants need to memorize with tajweed, meaning and the 

Reasons of revelation( اسباب النزول )

This Quran Competition is for residents of the greater Pittsburgh area only.

The Qur’an Competition aims to encourage and help Muslims to memorize the Qur’an in shorter periods of time and to pay more attention to the proper ways of pronouncing the words of God. With this intention, the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh holds a bi-monthly (every two months) competition in reciting or memorizing the Holy Qur’an. The invitation is open to all youth ages 16 and under in the Pittsburgh area. We are accepting donations for prizes. Please remember that for every letter you encourage someone to read, you will be rewarded for it. Please make checks payable to the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh and in the memo, please indicate Qur’an Competition. Donations can also be made online or in our office.

The one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely will be in the company of noble angels. But the one who recites it with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, will have twice that reward.
— Prophet Muhammad, ﷺ
Donate to the Quran Competition fund!